Sky Force Reloaded (2016) Wiki

Twisted Vengeance is the Boss of Stage 1.


Twisted Vengeance has a very simple design: it's just a regular helicopter gunship with six blades and armed moderately with only gun turrets, located under its two wings. It is well-armored all around from cockpit to tail, giving it its size.


4x Forward-Mounted Guns

  • These forward firing guns only shoot straight ahead in intervals. Each wing houses 2x of these guns on each side and shoot thrice in a row, resulting in a barrage of 6 bullets. They fire the same projectiles as tank cannons and has a considerable cooldown after firing 3 barrages.

1x Cockpit Mantis Cannon Turret

  • The cockpit turret tracks the player's Plane, and fires at it in medium chain of low-damaging gunfire. Located right above the cockpit.

Combat Routine[]

Twisted Vengeance swoops in from the bottom right. At the moment of entry the cockpit turret is vulnerable, allowing you to deal some early damage before it begins attacking you. Its 4 mounted guns fire together, then fire again, this time with the cockpit turret. It has no other pattern and continues to attack this way.

The only minor inconvenience of the battle is the turret that will hinder your attempts to stay in one place. If you find yourself overwhelmed or getting cornered by gunfire, circle around the entire gunship to its other side.

It is advisable to start with the mounted guns, as their destruction thins down the amount of gunfire boxing you in. Once you clear them out, the turret will be open for your picking.

When all 5 weapons are stripped, the gunship can be obliterated.


In tougher difficulty levels, the cockpit turret fires relentlessly for longer intervals, giving very little pause for the Plane to hover around. The high rate of fire of the mounted guns might create walls of bullets spraying at your location when the Boss swerve from side to side.



• After Twisted Vengeance has crashed, a secondary explosion will occur and sometimes the gunship's rotor blades will get blasted into the air towards and off the screen, resulting in a humorous "thunk". Amusingly, no other gunship does this.

• Twisted Vengeance is a weaker version of Mantis Gunship in Sky Force 2014.
