The Gladius is the 3rd Plane, with an emphasis on explosive firepower but limited range. Its key colours on the Wingman Cube are pink and purple. The word 'PINKI' can be seen engraved on its sides.
The Gladius primarily trades away the range of its Main Cannons for superior firepower, limiting it to only 1/3 of the screen length, approximately. Its guns have a slightly wider width, but all of its bullets shoot forward in a dizzying bullet storm, inflicting almost 50% more damage than all other Planes could thanks to the focused firepower.
It still retains normal use of its Wing Cannons and Missiles. Its Support Drones also fires in a slight angle to the sides instead of straight forward like normal.
The Gladius can be thought of as a shotgun with an emphasis on fast, explosive damage. With its range severely limited, this Plane cannot hang back and allow enemies free reign, lest you want bullet hell delivered to you. As such, knowing where enemies are in advance and blasting them into oblivion before they retaliate too much or at all, is one of the best uses of the Gladius. Using the Main Weapon Supercharge with this plane is very effective against strong enemies or bosses. The supercharge ability also causes the bullets to converge at the end of Gladius's range, allowing for point-blank damage even at a distance.
It is a moderately high-risk Plane to use that is also as efficient for getting 100% enemy destruction medals. Its one weakness in this regard, is that it cannot deal with split up enemy waves effectively and is rendered helpless when cut off from attack range by enemy bullet walls, especially those discharged from Radial Cannons.